Translating patents makes very special demands on translators. For one, there are fixed wordings in patents in all languages that have to be complied with, because patent attorneys and patent lawyers, patent examiners and experts will expect those wordings in patent applications. In addition, patent specifications follow a very specific structure which the translation has to reflect.

The greatest challenge to translating patents, however, is the description of the invention. As the translator I have to understand the invention in the source language. And then I have find wordings in the target language that describe the invention accurately. The challenge here is to find precise wordings so that experts may comprehend the invention and its make-up. Any imprecise wording or choice of words could limit the invention and its make-up which in turn may jeopardise the protection of your invention. As the translator I have to decide together with you which wordings and choice of words I may use so that I will not jeopardise the protection of your invention.

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